Gateway's Foundation
Directors & Governance
Gateway’s Board of Directors
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Christina Lake Tourism Society
Christina Lake Stewardship Society
Christina Lake Arts and Artisans Society
Christina Lake Community Center
Christina Lake Healthcare Auxiliary
Christina Lake Fire Fighters Society
Christina Lake Golf Club
Gateway's Constitution and Bylaws
1. The Name of the Society is: Christina Gateway Community Development Association
2. The purpose of the Christina Gateway Community Development Association is to promote and improve the economic, civic, and social welfare of the community of Christina Lake by:
- Developing and implementing a community economic development program with the goal of increasing the economic viability of the Christina Lake Community;
- Developing, strengthening, and collaborating with other community benefit organizations in Christina Lake;
- Co-operating with citizens, organizations and businesses in the Christina Lake and neighbouring communities;
- Benefitting from and stewarding the resources of Christina Lake and surrounding community (the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Area C);
- Mobilizing community investment;
- Carrying in a business or businesses incident to the purpose of the society;
- Promoting Christina Lake community activities and businesses;
- Carrying out similar and related activities and services as determined by the membership.