Governing Documents
RDKB Planning Department
What The RDKB Planning Department does:
- Develop land use policies to guide elected officials, developers, the public and other decision makers;
- Institute floodplain management and other environmental protective measures that apply to the land base across our region;
- Work cooperatively with our eight member municipalities to coordinate land use strategies in urban fringe areas;
- Develop GIS-based mapping products for the entire region;
- Evaluate applications and make recommendations to decision makers
- Issue Development and Temporary Use Permits and Variances
- Process applications to the Agricultural Land Reserve;
- Comment on subdivision proposals;
- Provide house-numbering services for electoral areas;
- Provide bylaw enforcement in electoral areas
APC (Advisory Planning Commission)
What the RDKB Planning Department does:
The Advisory Planning Commission Electoral Area ‘C’ meet regularly to review applications for development variances for building and related issues for the Advisory Planning Commission of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area ‘C’ official Community Plan – Bylaw No. 1250 and Area ‘C’ Zoning Bylaw No. 1300 are reviewed and updated as required and prompted by the residents of Christina Lake.
The Planning Commission appointees review applications, check on site locations and comment on development variances.
Monthly meetings: First Tuesday of the month
Christina Lake Zoning Bylaw
Zoning is one of the most important tools that the Regional District uses to implement the land use objectives and policies contained in its Official Community Plans.
Zoning Bylaws achieve this by specifying the permitted uses that may occur within the various parts of our unincorporated Electoral Areas and by regulating the density of development and the size, shape and siting of new buildings and additions that may occur within these zones.
OCP (Official Community Plan)
What The RDKB Planning Department does:
An OCP sets out an area’s long-term strategy for physical, economic, environmental and social development. Each OCP includes policies that reflect community goals and objectives. The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary adopts OCPs as formal bylaws. Christina Lake is currently rewriting their OCP Bylaw.